Sunday, October 5, 2008

Cyclocross is really tough.

So, the big day arrived. Today was my first cx race. I woke up, made Josh climb out of bed and headed to Avondale, ofcourse stopping at Mcdonalds on the way for a delicious nutritious chicken biscuit. When I arrived Riley was the only person there that I knew, but shortly thereafter John and Andrew showed up also. I got a little warm up riding in with John then proceeded to line up and get ready to race. My heartrate was spiked before we even took off. Generally not a good sign. I took off, midpack, was able to pass a few guys and settle into a decent rhythm at about 8th or 9th. I worked for most of the race with a rider from Chain Reaction, not sure of his name. But coming around my 5th lap I was hurting pretty bad and couldn't keep his pace. I lapped Andrew halfway through my last lap, somehow miraculously through a joyous case of human error he only finished two spots behind me. Congrats Andrew! haha. I'm happy for him tho, he finished and he had a good time. So, I was hurting pretty bad on my last lap but I still finished pretty strong, so I'm definitely happy with that. I believe my official result was 11th in a 28 rider field. Way better than I actually expected to do. It was a great race, I had alot of fun and I can't wait for the next Bamacross that I'm able to make it to. I've got about a month or so to keep training for it, I'd love to break top 5 at Tuscaloosa's race. We'll see I guess.


Elizabeth said...

OMG I have a blog too lets be friends forever and ever.

eva said...
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