When there was a BMX scene? When we'd go ride street with like 10 people? When I didn't have to drive to Atlanta and hope that some people came out to ride, to ride bikes with my friends? Man, those were the days. I'm gonna do my best not to take personal shots at people, even tho I think drugs, money, motorcycles, and girlfriends have dragged some of my best friends away from riding bikes with me. I miss the hell out big shred sessions. Random 'lets go downtown' trips. Not just that, but I also miss a few years ago when we'd pack 5 deep into a hotel room at races, it seems like some of the people I used to be closest with barely ride anymore. I'd have to travel to where they are and drink with them just to see them. I don't know man, all I'm saying is you guys should know who you are... and please try and remember why we ever became friends. Let's go ride some bikes.